- سَافَرَ تِيْم إلَى مِيكْسِيكُو
لَيْلَةَ أمْسٍ Sa-fa-ra
Tim Ela Mexico Lay-lata Ams (Tim travelled to
Mexico last night).
- يَطِيرُ الصَّقْرُ عَاليًا فِي السَّمَاءِ Ya-tero
Assaqro A-lee-an Fee Assama (The falcon flies up in the sky).
- تُصْنَعُ الحَقَائِبُ مِنَ الجِلْدِ Toss-na-o Al-ha-ka-ebo Mena Al-jell-de (The
bags are made of leather).
- تَرْقُدُ الحَمَامَةُ عَلَىَ البيضِ Tar-ko-do Al-ha-ma-ma-to Ala Al-bayde (dove
lays on the eggs).
- عَفَوْنَا عَنْ المُسِيءِ A-faw-na Ann El-mo-sea-e (we forgave the naughty one).
- شَرِبْتُ الحِسَاءَ بِـالمِلْعَقَةِ Sha-rib-to
Al-he-sa-a Bell-mell-aka (I drank the soap with spoon).
- صَنَعَ الخيَّاطُ رداءً لـتيري Sa-na-a Al-khy-ato
Re-da-an Lee-tea-re (Tailor made a dress for
- The words at the end of each of the
above examples are all nouns.
- Each noun of them are preceded with
one of the propositions (إلى، فِى، مِنْ، عَلَى، عَنْ، الباء، اللام)
If we looked at the end of each of the previous nouns, which are preceded with
any of the proposition particles mentioned , we observe it is ended with Kasra vole مجرورًا No reasons for such Kasra vole but being preceded with any of such
proposition particles. So, they are named: حروفُ الجَرِّ who-roof-o Al-Ja-re
(Proposition Particles).