Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lesson (16): Anna-ato النَعْتُ The Adjective

Study the following sentences:
1.     الحِــذَاءُ ضَيِّقٌ Al-he-za-o Die-you-kon  (The shoes are tight.)
2.     يَلْبَسُ أشْرَفٌ حِـذَاءً Yal-baso Ash-ra-fon He-za-an (Ashraf wears shoes)
3.     يَلْبَسُ أشرفٌ حِـذَاءً ضَـيِّـقًا Yal-baso Ash-ra-fon He-za-an Die-yeek-an (Ashraf wears tight shoes)
4.     لِلْبَبَّغَاءِ رِيشٌ Lel-pub-agha-e Rea-shon (Parrot has feathers)
5.     الرِّيشُ جميلٌ Arre-sho Ja-me-lon (The feathers are beautiful).
6.     للببغاءِ ريشٌ جَمِيلٌ  Lel-pub-agha-e Rea-shon Ja-me-lon (Parrot has beautiful feathers)
7.     أكرَهُ السَّيْرَ في الطُّـرُقِِ  Ak-ra-who Assay-ra Fee Atto-ro-ke (I hate walking in the streets)
8.     الطُّـرُقُ مُزْدَحِمَةٌ  Atto-ro-ko Moz-da-hema-ton (Streets are crowded)
9.     أكرَهُ السَّيْرَ في الطُّـرُقِ المُزْدَحِمَةِ  Ach-ra-who Assay-ra Fee Atto-ro-ke Al-moz-da-he-ma-tea (I hate walking in the crowded streets)

1.     يَلْبَسُ أشرفٌ حِــذَاءً ضَيِّقًا Yal-baso Ash-ra-fon He-za-an Die-yeek-an (Ashraf wears tight shoes)
2.     للببغاءِ رِيْـشٌ جَمِيلٌ  Lel-pub-agha-e Rea-shon Ja-me-lon (Parrot has beautiful feathers)
3.     أكرَهُ السَّيْرَ في الطُّرُقِ المُزْدَحِمَةِ  Ach-ra-who Assay-ra Fee Atto-ro-ke Al-moz-da-he-ma-tea (I hate walking in the crowded streets)

1.     Each of the three words: ضَيِّقٌ، جميلٌ، مزدحمٌ indicates a characteristic of the noun preceded it, which means it is an adjective of the noun that preceded it. So it is named: نعتًا Na-a-tan (adjective) and the followed name is called مَنْعوتًا Man-ought-an
2.     If you studied deeply each of the three adjectives you would find it follows the المنعوتَ in رَفْعِهِ  Rough-e-he (Dumma vole) and نَصْبِهِ  Nass-be-he  (fat-ha vole) and جَرِّهِ dja-re-he (Kass-ra vole)
a.     هذَا بيتٌ جميلٌ Haza Bay-ton dJamelon (This is a nice house).
b.     رأيتُ بيتًا جَمِيلاً  Ra-ayto Baytan Jameelan (I saw a nice house).
c.      جَلَستُ في بيتٍ جَمِيلٍ dja-lasto Fee Bay-ten Ja-me-lin (I sat in a nice house).

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