Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lesson (16): Anna-ato النَعْتُ The Adjective

Study the following sentences:
1.     الحِــذَاءُ ضَيِّقٌ Al-he-za-o Die-you-kon  (The shoes are tight.)
2.     يَلْبَسُ أشْرَفٌ حِـذَاءً Yal-baso Ash-ra-fon He-za-an (Ashraf wears shoes)
3.     يَلْبَسُ أشرفٌ حِـذَاءً ضَـيِّـقًا Yal-baso Ash-ra-fon He-za-an Die-yeek-an (Ashraf wears tight shoes)
4.     لِلْبَبَّغَاءِ رِيشٌ Lel-pub-agha-e Rea-shon (Parrot has feathers)
5.     الرِّيشُ جميلٌ Arre-sho Ja-me-lon (The feathers are beautiful).
6.     للببغاءِ ريشٌ جَمِيلٌ  Lel-pub-agha-e Rea-shon Ja-me-lon (Parrot has beautiful feathers)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Lesson (15): dJa-row Alis-me جَرُّ الاسْمِ

- سَافَرَ تِيْم إلَى مِيكْسِيكُو لَيْلَةَ أمْسٍ Sa-fa-ra Tim Ela Mexico Lay-lata Ams (Tim travelled to Mexico last night).  
- يَطِيرُ الصَّقْرُ عَاليًا فِي السَّمَاءِ  Ya-tero Assaqro A-lee-an Fee Assama (The falcon flies up in the sky).
- تُصْنَعُ الحَقَائِبُ مِنَ الجِلْدِ Toss-na-o Al-ha-ka-ebo Mena Al-jell-de (The bags are made of leather).
- تَرْقُدُ الحَمَامَةُ عَلَىَ البيضِ Tar-ko-do Al-ha-ma-ma-to Ala Al-bayde (dove lays on the eggs).
- عَفَوْنَا عَنْ المُسِيءِ A-faw-na Ann El-mo-sea-e (we forgave the naughty one).
- شَرِبْتُ الحِسَاءَ بِـالمِلْعَقَةِ Sha-rib-to Al-he-sa-a Bell-mell-aka (I drank the soap with spoon).
- صَنَعَ الخيَّاطُ رداءً لـتيري  Sa-na-a Al-khy-ato Re-da-an Lee-tea-re (Tailor made a dress for Terri).

- The words at the end of each of the above examples are all nouns.
- Each noun of them are preceded with one of the propositions (إلى، فِى، مِنْ، عَلَى، عَنْ، الباء، اللام)
- If we looked at the end of each of the previous nouns, which are preceded with any of the proposition particles mentioned , we observe it is ended with Kasra vole مجرورًا No reasons for such Kasra vole but being preceded with any of such proposition particles. So, they are named: حروفُ الجَرِّ  who-roof-o Al-Ja-re (Proposition Particles). 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Lesson 14 Enna Wa Akhwatoh - continued

From Examples I, the Mobtada المبتدأ (e.g: Aza-hamo الزَحامُ, Athaw-bo الثوبُ, Al-khademo الخَادِمُ) is ended with Dumma vole مرفوع بالضمة Marfoo-on Bel-Dumma and the Al-Khabar الخَبَر is ended with Tanweenon Bel-Dumme vole تنوينٌ بالضمِّ (e.g: Sha-deed-on شَدِيدٌ, Ka-ser-on قَصِيرٌ, Ka-we-on قَويٌ… etc)
From Example II, The Mobtada المبتدأ (e.g: Aza-hama الزَحامَ, Athaw-ba الثوبَ, Al-khadema الخَادِمَ) is ended with Fat-ha vole (Mansoab-on Bel-Fat-ha (منصوب بالفتحة the Al-Khabar الخَبَر is ended with Tanweenon Bell-dumme vole تنوينٌ بالضمة (e.g: Sha-deed-on شَدِيدٌ, Ka-ser-on قَصِيرٌ, Ka-we-on قَوىٌ… etc)
The Nominative sentence الجملة الاسمية (Al-jom-la Al-ess-me-a-to) which is formed from المبتدأ والخبر Al-mobtada Wal-khabar, where they always are ended with Dumma vole , but when the nominative sentence is preceded with Enna or any of its sisters إنَّ وأخواتها the situation is changed, as الخبر Al-khabar is ended with تنوين بالضمة Tanweenen bel-dumma (إنَّ الْزحَامَ شَدِيدٌ، أنَّ الثوبَ قصيرٌ، كََأنَّ الخَادِمَ قَوِىٌ)

When إنَّ (Kana) or any of its sisters وأخواتها precedes a nominative sentence, the vole of Al-mob-ta-da المبتدأ is changed from الضمة (Dumma) into الفتحة  (Fat-ha) while الخبر is kept with no change.
(If you have any questions pls feel free to leave a comment, thank you)

Lesson 14- Enna Wa Akhwa-to-ha إنَّ وأخواتها

We will use the previous examples we already used in Lesson 13.
Examples I
The Sentence
الْزحَامُ شَدِيدٌ
Aza-ha-mo Sha-deed-on
The Crowd is much
الثوبُ قصيرٌ
A-thaw-bo Kasser-on
The dress is short
الخَادِمُ قَوِىٌّ
Al-kha-demo Ka-we-on
The maid is strong

العَامِلُ مُتْعَبٌ
Al-amelo Mot-abon
The Worker is tired

الغَمَامُ كَثِيفٌ
Al-gha-mamo Ka-thef-on
The cloud is much

المَطَرُ غَزِيرٌ
Al-mata-row Gha-zeer-on
The rain is heavy

المِصْبَاحُ مُتَقِدٌ
Al-mess-baho Mo-ta-key-don
The lamp is on

Examples  II
The Sentence
إنَّ الْزحَامَ شَدِيدٌ
Enna Aza-ha-ma Sha-deed-on
Indeed the Crowd is much!
أنَّ الثوبَ قصيرٌ
Anna A-thaw-ba Kasser-on
Indeed The dress is short
كَأنَّ الخَادِمَ قَوِيٌ
Ka-anna Al-kha-dema Ka-we-on
The maid seems strong

لَكِنَّ العَامِلَ مُتْعَبٌ
La-kenna Al-amela Mot-ab-on
But the worker is tired

َلَيْتَ الغَمَامَ كَثِيفٌ
Layta Al-gha-mama Ka-thef-on
Wish if the cloud were much

لَعْلَّ المَطَرَ غَزِيرٌ
La’ala Al-mata-ra Gha-zeer-on
Maybe the rain is heavy

To be Continued ==============

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lesson 13: Kana Wa Akhwa-to-ha كانَ وأخواتها

From Examples I, the Mobtada المبتدأ (e.g: Aza-hamo الزَحامُ, Athaw-bo الثوبُ, Al-khademo الخَادِمُ) is ended with Dumma vole مرفوع بالضمة Marfoo-on Bel-Dumma and the Al-Khabar الخَبَر is ended with Tanweenon Bel-Dumme vole تنوينٌ بالضمِّ (e.g: Sha-deed-on شَدِيدٌ, Ka-ser-on قَصِيرٌ, Ka-we-on قَويٌ… etc)

From Example II, The Mobtada المبتدأ (e.g: Aza-hamo الزَحامُ, Athaw-bo الثوبُ, Al-khademo الخَادِمُ) is ended also with Dumma vole (Marfoo-on Bel-Dumma (مرفوع بالضمة the Al-Khabar الخَبَر is ended with Tanweenon Bel-Fat-ha vole تنوينٌ بالفتحِ (e.g: Sha-deed-an شَدِيدًا, Ka-ser-an قَصِيرًا, Ka-we-an قَويًا… etc)

The Nominative sentence الجملة الاسمية (Al-jom-la Al-ess-me-a-to) which is formed from المبتدأ والخبر Al-mobtada Wal-khabar, where they always are ended with Dumma vole , but when the nominative sentence is preceded with Kana or any of its sisters كان وأخواتها the situation is changed, as الخبر Al-khabar is ended with تنوين بالفتحِ Tanweenen bel-fat-he (كَانَ الْزحَامُ شَدِيدًا، كَانَ الثوبُ قصيرًا، كَانَ الخَادِمُ قَوِيًّا)

When كان (Kana) or any of its sisters وأخواتها precedes a nominative sentence, the vole of Al-khabar الخبر is changed from الضمة (Dumma) into الفتحة  (Fat-ha)