Monday, September 17, 2012

Put the following words in the proper place:

أنْشَــــدَ          يَكْتُبُ           فَتَـــحَ             أغْلَــــقَ

........................ الـبَابَ            ........................ المُطْرِبُ

........................ النَّافِــذَةَ          ........................ الـدَّرْسَ


Each one of the above examples is called: a perfect sentence. You know why?
Observe the above sentences. You will realize that each one is formed of two words.
What do we name the first word in each sentence? (خَبَر، فعل، فاعل، مبتدأ)
What do we name the second word in each sentence? (خَبَر، فعل، فاعل، مبتدأ)
What do we conclude? And what do we name such sentences?

Specify the verb and the subject in each of the following sentences:


يَشْرَحُ المُعَلِّمُ

يَنْجَحُ الطَالِبُ

تَشْرَبُ البِنْتُ

تَنْمُوَ الأشجارُ

تُثمِرُ الفَاكِهَةُ

يأكُلُ الولدُ

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