الغزالُ سريعٌ Al-Ghazalo Sa-ree3on (The Ghazal is rabid)
الفاكِهَةُ حُلْوةٌ Al-Fa-kehato Who-lwa-ton (The fruits are delicious)
الصُّورَةُ جميلةٌ Asso-rato Ja-me-la-ton (The picture is beautiful)
The previous examples are complete sentences جمل مفيدة, and each sentence is formed of two nouns اسمين. If we looked at the end of each noun of the two nouns in each sentence of the previous sentences we would find it مرفوعًا
· 1st noun of each sentence is the noun with which the sentence started, so it is named: مبتدأ (Mobtada) Starter
· 2nd noun in each sentence is the one which informed us أخبرنا what is the matter with the first noun, so it is named: خبرًا Khabaran (news)
o If we read the word الغزال only by itself, we would be confused, what is the matter of الغزال
o If we read the word الصورة only by itself, we would be confused, and asked, what is the matter with الصورة
o But when we read: الغزالُ سريعٌ – الصورة جميلة we have a complete information that the Ghazal is rabid, and the picture is beautiful, so they are two complete sentences , and the second noun is the one who completed the sentence by giving us a complete meaning.
Specify which of the following is the مبتدأ and which is the خبر in the following sentences
The sentence | المبتدأ | الخبر |
الغزال سريعٌ | ||
الطعامُ لذيذٌ | ||
البنتُ جميلةٌ | ||
الولدُ ذكيٌّ |
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