Thursday, September 27, 2012

(10) Nasbo Al-Fe’alee Al-mo-da-ree نَصْبُ الفِعْلِ المُضَارِعِ (The Verb in the Present with Fat-ha vole)

Examples (1):
The Sentence
      لَنْ أشْرَبَ اللبنَ
Lan Ashraba Ala-bana
I am not going to drink the milk
جَاءَ الرَجلُ كَيِّ يَرَاكَ
Jaa Arrajolo Kay Yaraka
The man came in order to see you
أتمنى أن تظلَّ مَعَنَا
A-ta-mana An Ta-zala Ma-ana
I wish you stay with us
إذَنْ تَرْبَحَ تِجَارَتُكَ
Ezan Tar-baha Teja-ra-toka
Then your trade/ business succeed

Observation (1):
Each of the previous examples includes a present verb preceded by an article of :
أنْ – لَنْ – إذَنْ – كَى
If you looked to the end of the each verb preceded by one of the four articles mentioned above you would notice it is منصوبًا mansouban (ended with Fatha vole)

Examples (2):
The Sentence
سَأفْتَحُ الأبوابَ
Sa-aff-ta-who Al-ab-waba
I am going to open the doors
إذَنْ يَتَجَدَّدَ الهَوَاءَ
Ezan Ya-ta-jada-da Al-hawa
Then the air then gets refreshed
سَأزورُ قَرْيَتَكُم
Sa-azoro Car-ya-ta-kom
I will visit your village
إذنْ تُقيمَ عِنْدَنَا
Ezan To-keema In-da-na
So you stay at our place
سَأعتَادُ التبكيرَ في الاستيقاظ
Sa-aatado Attab-keera Fee Al-east-e-kaza
I will used to wake up early
إذن يَصَحَ بَدَنُكَ
Ezan Ya-sa-who Badanok
Then your body gets healthy
يَقْرَأُ أشرفُ في الضوءِ الضَعِيفِ
Ya-kra-o Ashra-fo Fee Add-waa Adda-eefe
Ashraf reads in insufficient light
إذَنْ يَضْعفَ بَصَرُهُ
Ezan Yad-afa Ba-sa-ro-who
Then his sight gets weaker

Observation (2):
Each one of the previous dialogue includes a present verb مرفوع Mar-fo , which came at the beginning of the sentence and not preceded by any of the four articles (أن – لن – إذن – كي). Also, the dialogue includes present verbs, which came منصوبة and preceeded with one of the particles : إذن

Examples (3):
The Sentence
أُحِبُّ أنْ أذهب إلى السينما
O-hebo Ann Az-haba Ela Assenema
I love to go to the cinema
أشتريتُ منزلاً كي أسكنَ فيه
Esh-ta-rayto Manzelan Kay Ass-kona Fee-he
I bought a house to live in
يَصْدُقُ التاجرُ كي يربحَ
Yas-do-ko Atta-jero Kay Yar-baha
The merchant tells the truth to get profit

Observation (3):
Each one of the previous examples includes two present verbs. The first one is at the beginning of the sentence, which its end is مرفوع Mar-fo , and the second verb is preceded by one of the four particles (أن – لن – إذن – كي).

The Conclusion:
So, it is understood that such four particles تَنْصِبُ الفِعْلَ المُضَارِعَ Tan-sebo Al-feela Al-moda-re-aa

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